Replying to Messages

You can reply to a messsage via event listerner handler.

// assuming you already have initiated the client,
// you can do the following to reply to incoming messages

// in the similar way, any incoming message event, 
// which is not a System event can be replied back to.

Reacting to Messages

There are mainly two ways you can react to a message:

Via Incoming Message Event

You can listen to incoming messages and reply to them using the on method available on the client event. Here is an example of how you can listen to incoming messages and react to them:

// assuming you already have initiated the client,
// you can do the following to reply to incoming messages

// in the similar way, any incoming message event, 
// which is not a System event can be replied back to.

Via Sending a Reaction message

You can also send a message of type Reaction to a message. Here is an example of how you can send a reaction a message:

// assuming you already have initiated the client,

const replyMessageComponent = new ReplyMessage({
    message: new TextMessage({
        text: 'This is a reply.'

// send a reaction message
await whatsappClient.message.send({
    message: replyMessageComponent,
    phoneNumber: '1234567890',